Basic Stats Activity + Impossible Problem
This is a cool mean/median/mode exercise generally, and I liked the accidental impossible problem and how it was handled.
Francis Su's Joint Meetings Keynote
This talk has gotten a lot of attention, both at JMM and well after. I didn't go see this due to timing of another session I needed to be in, but please read this. There are some parts of it that I disagree with (largely related to the connection of mathematics with some of the virtues), but many of the messages and stories are important.
New AMS Blog: Inclusion-Exclusion
Related to the above: this blog exists now, and I'm glad it does.
Daily Routine Collections
These are links to things like Number Talks, Visual Patterns, Which One Doesn't Belong, etc. I knew about most of these individually, but this is a place where they all live together! This link is mostly here so that I can find it in the future.
Online Geoboard!
Geoboards are awesome, so I was excited to discover an online geoboard. Simon Gregg made a couple of cool Which One Doesn't Belong sets with this, but obviously there are so many different things you can do with a geoboard. (And I started thinking about non-WODB properties of the shapes he made for his WODB sets, so those are flexible, too!)